A hilarious event of a husband trying to get naughty on a thai massage at Bangkok, but promptly caught by his wife

Episode 4: My The Pattaya Massage

The Pattaya Massage

Well, we all need a break at times, break from hectic work schedules, from the concrete jungles, and from the cold, and what’s better than the equatorial beaches of Thailand. The country is very tourist friendly, and is inexpensive as well. So off we went for our trip.

The first few days at Bangkok was fine, but it was mostly city life. Soon we headed to one of the most famous Thai beach city, Pattaya.

Pattaya was great, with its snorkelling, blue seas, warm weather, island hopping, and of course, parasailing. We enjoyed our time like never before.

A few days of a gala time and we noticed the line of different massage parlours in the region. Thought we must try it. I went over to a next to our hotel parlour, and checked in for a full body Thai oil massage. I was ushered into a room by an escort, and was asked to stay in my underwear only, and to lie down, which I did. Soon after, the masseur in charge of my service, entered the room, and pulled the curtains.

The Pattaya Massage

And what a relaxing massage it was! My whole body seemed renewed off the tiredness, with all the tension gone! Towards the end of my massage session, my masseur whispered something in my ear, which probably meant an extended session, cause she said something like extra service. You know the challenges non English speaking people face while speaking English, and I totally understood. I said yes, and she asked for some extra money. Poor souls! So much of hardships they face! If a little bit of money from my end could make someone’s life a bit easier, then why not! I readily gave her some greenbacks. But, I guess, her hands were very tired massaging me. Cause she immediately stripped, applied oil over her entire body, and started massaging me, with her body, instead of her hands. Such hard working people! I was in deep awe seeing such dedication from these wonderful people. May God bless them.

But my praises for her were short lived. Just after a few rubs, she was going down, probably to concentrate her massage on my tired legs, but then, WHAM! My wife appeared from nowhere and created such a scene. The poor masseur, after failing to explain in English (my wife is not that understanding, you see) resorted to Thai, which further aggravated the situation. Worse, she diverted all her attention to me, and made a weapon out of some massage rollers. Whatever relaxation my muscles had got in the massage, were compensated with the terrific beating they received with the roller. I had to literally limp out of the parlour. Donno why, all other were laughing at me. I am still trying to figure out why my wife was so mad at me, that she cut short our trip, and returned to home the very next day. Guess she was worried that I might get hurt if the girl kept massaging me, with her weight on me. So caring! Isn’t she! What do you think? Please comment below.

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