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Homemade and Commercial fertilizers for Your Plants, That you can use as Manure

(Please note: the term "manure" technically refers to animal dung used as fertilizer, it's not generally recommended for houseplants due to its strong odor and potential for attracting pests or pathogens)

Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting your green thumb journey, keeping your plants healthy and thriving is essential. This guide dives into the world of both homemade and commercial fertilizers, offering valuable insights to help you choose the best option for your needs.

Homemade Fertilizer Options for Plants:

Soil with fertilizers for plants

Compost Tea:

This liquid fertilizer is packed with nutrients and beneficial microbes. Steep finished compost in water for a few days, dilute it, and use it to water your plants.

Worm Castings:

Nutrient-rich and odorless, worm castings can be mixed directly into potting soil or brewed into a liquid fertilizer like compost tea.


Crush eggshells and mix them into your potting soil for a gradual release of calcium and other minerals.

Coffee Grounds:

Add used coffee grounds to your soil in small amounts. They are acidic and release nitrogen, but avoid overdoing it as they can compact the soil.

Banana Peels:

Rich in potassium, bury banana peels under the soil (not directly touching the roots) for slow-release nourishment.

Epsom Salts:

Dilute Epsom salts in water and use it occasionally to improve magnesium uptake, especially for plants showing signs of magnesium deficiency.

Vegetable Water:

After boiling vegetables, save the cooled water and use it to water your plants. It contains trace nutrients absorbed from the vegetables.

Aquarium Water:

If you have an aquarium, the water changes can be diluted and used on your plants as it's rich in nitrogen and beneficial microorganisms.

Important points to remember:

  • Research the specific needs of your plants: Different plants have different nutritional requirements.
  • Start with diluted solutions and observe your plants for any negative reactions.
  • Don't overfertilize: Too much fertilizer can harm your plants.
  • Compost is best used before being turned into tea or added to soil. Fresh compost can introduce unwanted elements.
  • Be mindful of potential pest or pathogen issues with homemade options.

Remember, these are just a few examples, and it's important to research and choose methods that suit your plants and comfort level. Enjoy nurturing your green companions with homemade care!

Beyond the homemade options discussed previously, here are some additional fertilizer choices for your houseplants:

Commercial Fertilizer Available Options for Plants:

  • Balanced Fertilizers: Formulated to provide a mix of essential nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) in varying ratios depending on plant needs. Examples: 10-10-10 (all-purpose), 20-20-20 (blooming plants), 7-9-5 (foliage plants).
  • Specialized Fertilizers: Cater to specific plant groups like orchids, cacti, or citrus trees. Provide targeted nutrients based on their unique needs.
  • Slow-Release Fertilizers: Granules or pellets that release nutrients gradually over time, reducing risk of over-fertilizing. Convenient and long-lasting option.
  • Liquid Fertilizers: Concentrated solutions diluted in water for immediate nutrient delivery. Useful for addressing deficiencies or providing quick boosts.
  • Organic Fertilizers: Made from natural materials like composted manure, fish bone meal, or seaweed extract. Provide nutrients and improve soil health.

Choosing the Right Fertilizer for Plant:

  • Consider your plant's needs: Match the fertilizer's NPK ratio to the plant's specific requirements (e.g., high nitrogen for foliage growth, high phosphorus for blooming).
  • Read the label carefully: Follow instructions for dilution, frequency, and application method.
  • Start with a weaker solution: Observe your plants for signs of over-fertilization (scorched leaves, stunted growth) before increasing strength.
  • Rotate different types of fertilizers: This helps provide a wider range of nutrients and avoid soil imbalances.
  • Consider your comfort level: Choose options that fit your budget, preferences, and knowledge about fertilizer use.

Additional Tips for fertilizers :

  • Test your soil pH: Knowing your soil's acidity helps you choose suitable fertilizers. Some plants prefer specific pH ranges.
  • Water regularly and adequately: Fertilizer works best when plants are hydrated.
  • Don't fertilize sick plants: Address underlying issues before attempting to boost nutrients.
  • Monitor your plants: Observe their growth, color, and leaf condition to adjust your fertilizing routine as needed.

Remember, choosing the right fertilizer is crucial for healthy houseplants. Research, understand your plants' needs, and experiment to find the best approach for your indoor jungle.

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